
Welcome to Montcalm's Parents Page. Links to useful pages like the Attendance Reporting and the Parent Portal can be found to the right if you are using a computer and above under the "More" tab if you are viewing this from a phone or tablet.

 Supporting Students with Prevalent Medical / Health Conditions in Schools

(Individual Plan of Care IPOC)


To ensure children with potentially life-threatening medical conditions remain safe while attending school, TVDSB requests Parents/Guardians update the necessary medical information on the Parent Portal so that an Individual Plan of Care (IPOC) for the student can be reviewed by the school’s administration.

Medical conditions considered potentially life-threatening may include:

1. Asthma

2. Anaphylaxis

3. Epilepsy

4. Type 1 Diabetes

5. Any other potentially life-threatening condition that could result in a medical incident* (discuss with your school administrator)

Parents/Guardians can provide important information about their child's life-threatening or prevalent medical condition by logging into the TVDSB Parent Portal and clicking on the following tab: Student Medical Information. Once an Individual Plan of Care is submitted, the school administrator will then review the information. Parents/Guardians may be contacted for further information, if required.

Parents/Guardians who cannot access the Parent Portal on the Internet should contact the school office.

Please note that Parents/Guardians are expected to be active participants in supporting the management of the student’s prevalent medical condition(s) while the student is in school. It is the responsibility of Parents/Guardians to inform the school of such conditions to ensure the student's safety at school.

*A medical incident is a circumstance that requires an immediate response and monitoring, since the incident may progress to an emergency requiring contact with Emergency Medical Services – 911

 Contact Your Student's Teacher
 Please visit the Contact Us page to find email addresses for teachers and staff.
 Graduation Requirements
 Click HERE to review graduation requirements for your student.
Parent Portal Instructions

Parental Portal Account Set Up click HERE.

Instructions for Parent Portal (downloadable) click HERE.

School Cash Online Instructions

Please Click for School Cash Online Set Up  

Technology and Software Support for Students

Please click HERE for technical support.

Helping your child manage Digital Technology - Click HERE.



Have you shared your child’s vaccine record with the Health Unit? Parents and students are responsible for updating Health Unit records. To make sure you have all the vaccines your need for school, view and download your record with the Health Unit online:

The Health Unit reviews the immunization records of elementary and secondary school students to make sure they have all the vaccines they need to attend school and be protected. If you received a letter in the mail from the Health Unit that your child’s record is missing vaccine information, make sure you follow the instructions on the letter to update your child’s record. Visit the Health Unit’s website for more information:

Did you know that students attending elementary and secondary in Ontario are required, by law, to be vaccinated against certain diseases? If you received a letter in the mail from the Health Unit that your child’s record is missing vaccine information, don’t panic – take the following actions:

  • Read the letter to see what vaccine information is missing from your child’s vaccine record with the Health Unit.
  • Check with your records at home (i.e. your child’s yellow card) or their healthcare provider to see if your child has received the missing vaccines. Update your child’s record with the Health Unit online:


  • Did you know that your child’s healthcare provider does not share records with the Health Unit on your behalf?
  • Having trouble updating your child’s record online? Call the Health Unit for information on other ways to submit records: 519-663-5317
  • If your child has not received the vaccines they need, book an appointment with their healthcare provider.

Don’t have a healthcare provider? Call the Health Unit or visit them online for information on other ways to access vaccines

 Mental Health Resources for Students and Families
 Please click HERE for a list of resources and supports for students and families.
 New to Canada
 For students and families who are new to Canada, please click HERE for resources.
Food Banks and Community Meals
Please see HERE for a list of food banks and community meals.  This site is updated each month. 

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